Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Tess of the dUrbervilles Essay Example
Tess of the dUrbervilles Essay Example Tess of the dUrbervilles Paper Tess of the dUrbervilles Paper Essay Topic: Literature Look closely at the incident in the chase when Tess is raped/seduced by Alec DUrberville. What do we learn here about the nature of Tesss fate in the novel? Consider Hardys characterisation of Tess and his manipulation of the narrative. In this extract, Alec takes advantage of Tess, and rides her into to the woods. Tess is upset and drunk and Alec takes this as an opportunity to take advantage of Tess. In that moment of oblivion she sank gently against him. This quote shows that Tess can be vulnerable at times, it shows weakness, and even though she is trying to resist Alec she still for that moment relies on him to be there and to comfort her at that time when she needed someone. It shows that she needs someone to lean on, but Alec takes advantage. Examples of adjectives Hardy has used are, denser, vigour, goldern-haired, beaming, ruddy, curious, narrow, rickety and hazy. These adjectives all give a sense of relaxed, slow and sad feelings within Tess because she has a child, and in the latter part of the chapter actually dies. This begins to set the scene for this tragic event. The chapter Rally XVI opens with a dull and almost slow pace when Hardy says: It was a hazy sunrise in August. The denser nocturnal vapours where they waited till they should be dried away to nothing. This is Hardys description of mist or fog in an early summers morning. He points out that the mist is quite dense and this almost weighs it down and is not described as being a light mist, but a dense, oppressing mist. This may relate to Tess having an unclear vision of what is going on and her mental composition. Hardy also uses adjectives in the Rally extract to give the landscape a sense of happiness such as, beautiful, clear, bracing, slow, soft, silent, scents and larger. He uses positive words that make the text seem delightful and this in turn shows us how Tess is feeling. Hardy also uses colours such as blue and green to describe nouns and these colours can be associated with spring, a new start and happiness. Another type of grammar Hardy uses is verbs, which have been very well chosen for the mood he wants to paint. For example in the Maiden No More extract he uses verbs like attacked, shrinking, demanding, feel, prevailed, gazing, brimming, smeared, intensified, dipped in liquid fire and ticking to give a sense of unhappiness, and are quite emotive. They are all very intense verbs, which are quite coarse and harsh. Likewise in The Rally XVI extract, intriguing verbs have also been used by Hardy such as, cheering, prattled, lacked, speckled, dazzling, nourished and fluctuating. All of these verbs have a sense of cheeriness and happiness, and give the sense of Tess being in a happy mood. An example is on page 134 when Hardy says, She heard a pleasant voice in every, and in every birds note seemed to lurk a joy. By using adjectives like pleasant and joy there is immediately a perception of happiness. A quote which portrays Tess to be in a happy mood, is when Hardy says, It lacked the intensely blue atmosphere of the rival vale, and its heavy soil and scents; the new air was clear, bracing, ethereal. This quote makes Tesss condition seem refreshing and happier as Hardy uses confident words like ethereal and bracing, and is again making a comparison between the new and old scenery, as Hardy describe the past scene as the rival vale. On page 133, Hardy says, The world was drawn to a larger pattern here. This quotation extends Tesss thinking into a broader field, making her feel more open and making the world beyond her looking cheerful. Another indicator of Tesss happiness on page 133 is when Hardy says, Either the change in the quality of the air from heavy to light, or the sense of being amid new scenes where there were no invidious eyes upon her, sent up her spirits wonderfully. This quote directly informs the reader that the new scenery and atmosphere around Tess have sent up her spirits wonderful, or basically made her feel much happier. A pattern of Hardys language is emerging here, as he has yet again used a comparison between the old and the new environment. Firstly he comments on the air quality going from heavy to light, as he does about the soil earlier on, and then the scenery itself. Hardy has concentrated on the wind and natural environment a lot, in the section echoing Tesss poised time. On page 134, Hardy says: Her hopes mingled with the sunshine in an ideal photosphere which surrounded her as she bounded along against the soft south wind. This is also a good quote to refer to Tess in a happy, yet anticipating mood. Hardy describes Tess as being a part of nature as her hopes are mingled with the sunshine, the sun also being a god-like feature in the Maiden No More extract, but also as the wind is described as soft and southerly there is a sense of warmth and happiness. The south wind is referred to in the same paragraph when Hardy says: It was her best face physically that was now set against the south wind. This directly informs the reader that Tess is probably smiling and happy, and reference to the south wind, is made again in the quotation. The short story that I am going to be analysing is Tickets Please by D H Lawrence, written in the 20th century, the protagonists being Annie and John Thomas, which is set in the First World War in the Midlands. It is easy to identify that this text has been set in the First World War, because the narrator mentions since we are in war-time, and the tram was entirely conducted by girls something common for that time, as men were out fighting in the war. Other indicators of it being the First World War are Statutes Fair, Co-operative Wholesale Society, Hat pins that John Thomas won for Annie, quoits-he threw on the table and the colliers. DH Lawrence was born in Nottinghamshire, and his father was a coal-miner. References to his background are reflected in the text, as he says black colliery garden and the description of this particular part of the Midlands is a very close interpretation of Nottinghamshire at that time. D H Lawrence also wrote about Thomas Hardy, and therefore may have been influenced to signify the importance of the setting as Hardy has done in many of his books. Alike Thomas Hardy, DH Lawrence also uses the language to set a mood for the location he describes. Tickets Please starts off in the Midlands in the rural, black industrial countryside and we are then taken through the reckless swoops downhill and end up in the sordid streets of the great town. The beginning of the short story is where most of the scene has been set, and is written as a turbulent journey. Lawrence uses far more adjectives and adverbs than Hardy does to describe his location, and therefore makes the place more vividly refined and imaginable. The beginning of the short story is a journey, in which the places change yet appear to characterise a similar type of mood. D H Lawrence uses many descriptive words and phrases, particularly using grammatical tools like adjectives to create a vivid picture of area. Examples of these are, cold, gloomy ugly, wild, stark, black, little, industrial, sordid and grimy. All of these adjectives are dull and depressing, setting a grim and gloomy atmosphere. Lawrence also uses many more interesting verbs to describe the Tram than Hardy does to describe his landscapes. Examples of interesting and exciting verbs are plunges, perched, bouncing, slithering, and halts. These verbs make the tram sound exciting and almost scary to be on, by using such hard-impacting verbs. This is re-enforced when the narrator refers to the journey as being an adventure more than once. DH Lawrence and Hardy both use personification in their text to describe the settings. Lawrence uses personification to give the place a more life-like description when he says, The last ugly place of industry, the cold, little town that shivers on the edge of the wild gloomy country beyond. The town is described to be shivering, which is a human characteristic. During the journey the place seems to cheer up as it say; There the green and creamy coloured tram-cars seen to pause and purr with curious satisfaction. The use of words such as satisfaction, purr, and green stand out in the text, because the place is formerly described as being cold, dark, and smoggy. Both of these examples are places where anthropomorphism has been used, because the town has been described to be shivering and the cars purring, a characteristic of cats. Hardy also uses anthropomorphism quite subtly when he says in the Maiden No More, the arms of the mechanical reaper revolving slowly the last few yards of upright wheat fell also under the teeth of the unerring reaper. Here Hardy describes the reaper as having arms and teeth, consequently being given human characteristics, or anthropomorphic. The journey returns to its gloom when Lawrence says, Reckless swoops downhill again the breathless slithering around the precipitators drop under the church. By using words like slithering and reckless the scary scene is re-set. In comparison to Tess of the DUrbervilles, Thomas Hardy has also used personification in the Maiden No More-XIV but not in the Rally, like Lawrence to describe the settings. Hardy says, The sun, had a curious sentient, personal look, demanding the masculine pronoun for its adequate expression. His present aspect coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene Here Hardy refers to the sun as a person, by saying his and had a personal look, when really we know that the sun does not have a look and does not have human mannerisms. Hardy then goes on to say: The luminary was a goldern-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like creature, gazing down in the vigour and intentness of youth apon an earth that was brimming with interest for him. Here Hardy clearly describes the sun as having human characteristics and appearance, such as being, goldern-haired and mild-eyed. Philosophically, Hardy has referred to the gods and the heavenly bodies more than once in this quote, and this is probably to show how Tess feels about the situation of her alone with her child, and the mishaps she has recently faced. It is honourable that people turn to a higher force than beings, like God, for help and guidance through turbulent periods of their lives and this has been illustrated by personifying the sun to be a god-like creature and luminary. By using personification, both writers can achieve a sense of creativeness and make it easier for the reader to relate to, therefore making the settings more distinct. Lawrence does not use personification after the beginning of the story, and similarly Hardy does not use personification in the Rally XVI to describe the cheerful settings, instead Hardy uses comparisons. In the Rally XVI, Hardy compares many features of the new part of England Tess is visiting, to her childhoods natural environment. For example on page 133 he says, The river itself, which nourished the grass and cows of these renowned dairies, flowed not like the streams in Blackmoor. Those were slow, silent, often turbid The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of life By making a correlation between the clear Froom waters and the turbid, muddy waters of Blackmoor, Hardy is able to show that Tess is comparing her past and present state of mind, as she is her past and present landscape. The landscape here shows that Tess is a happy mood, as the landscape around her is being described in a positive manner and as being pure. Thomas Hardy uses purity of the soul and mind a lot in this text, and in the midst of the book depicts this when Angel tells Tess he loves her for her virtue and purity. Hardy also contrasts the scenery to pictures by Van Asloot (1570-1626) or Anthonis Sallaert (1590-1657), Flemish painters of landscapes and large scenes of everyday. Hardy says: The green lea speckled as thickly with them (cows) as a canvas by Van Alsloot or Sallaert with burghers. This is a simile used by Hardy, comparing the expansive land ahead of Tess with of the artists paintings. This helps to show the intensity of cows in the vale, and Hardy elaborates on all of the minor features to make them all sound important. Both writers use similes in their writing to inform the readers of the setting. In Tickets Please, Lawrence says, green cars as a jaunty sprig of parsley out of a black colliery garden. He describes the cars as being like green parsley out of a black colliery garden, which he actually means to be the town. This usage of simile compares our knowledge to the settings and makes the place seem more vivid, however it is quite ironic to contrast a piece of vegetable from a black colliery garden to a car. In relation to Lawrence, Hardy also uses similes in Tess of the DUrbervilles. In the Maiden No More on page 109, Tess is describing the sun, as a person and his actions in the early morning, His light, a little latter, broke through chinks of cottage shutters, throwing stripes like red hot pokers upon cupboards And then again on page 110, Presently there arose from within a ticking like the love-making of grasshopper. The machine had begun Both of these quotes show the usage of similes when Tess is in a sad state of mind. The comparisons are of light and sound, and this impersonates the environment around Tess rather than the scenery. The first quote is a forceful and intense, as he uses two adjective, red and hot to describe the rays of sunlight. The second quote makes the noise of the machine sound very distinct and clear to hear. Both of the writers try to achieve a very clear and distinct picture of what they feel, and do this using the simile. These similes in Tess of the DUrbervilles are quite figurative, as they make reference to her past experience. However similes have also been used in a positive way in Tess, when she is describing the waters of the river Froom in the Rally XVI, on page 133, The Froom waters were clear as the pure River of Life shown to Evangelist, rapid as the shadow of a cloud In this quote the waters were described to be as clear as the pure River of Life and this indicates the fresh start that Tess intends to make by going to the Talbothays Dairy. The second simile in this quote is the speed of the river being as rapid as the shadow of a cloud, which is quite ironic considering clouds can often move quite slowly and sometimes not very fast at all. In Tickets Please there is often reference to other places, when it is night and darkness. Darkness sets a scary atmosphere; building up to a climax or twist in the story and this is noticeable by the usage of adjectives and adverbs by Lawrence. The narrator says, The nights are howlingly cold, black and windswept And then also says, He sat with her on a stile in the black, drizzling darkness. This use of adjectives and adverbs to make the location frightening is re-establish when Lawrence says, and walk across the dark, damp field. Later on in the story, we come to the fairground where Annie bumps into John Thomas. Here the atmosphere of the location is very different to that of the tram journey at the beginning of the text. The fairground is made to sound lively and exciting, yet frightening, which also a technique used to gear up the reader to the main turning point of the story. For example, roundabouts veering around and grinding out their music. The fairground has been described using enticing verbs like veering and grinding, and the roundabout switchbacks are described by the adjective grim-toothed, making the fairground seem exciting and scary in some senses. The fairground is also represented to be an antique place when Lawrence says, caring in a rickety fashion This quote uses the adjective rickety to describe the ride, which means weak or unstable, also implying it is old. Hardy seems to make the Maiden No More echo an unhappy atmosphere when he talks of the killing of the animals in the fields, whilst harvesting. He says: Rabbits, hares, snakes, rats, mice retreated inwards huddled together, friends and foes, till the last few yards of upright wheat fell also under the teeth of the unerring reaper, and they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters. Metaphorically, this is probably how Tess feels, as if she is being drawn into the depths of life, as the animals are of shelter of wheat, cascading down into a hurricane of dread, and that she too will be faced with death eventually. Hardy has also used a section of the folk-phrase proverb, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, at the end of this quote. This could be to show as Tess being strong and trying to get through her struggling time. Thomas Hardy was considered a fatalist. Fatalism is a view of life, which insists that all action everywhere be controlled by nature of things, or by power superior to things, as illustrated in the example of heavenly bodies. Another reference in the text that indicates that Tess is unhappy is on page 109, imparted to them a look of having been dipped in liquid fire. This quotation may refer to hell as Hardy uses the word liquid fire that could refer to hell and sadness. Hardy is best known for his beautiful but often oppressive portrayal of the countryside. This is likely to be a reflection of his background. Thomas Hardys entire childhood was spent close to the soil, growing up in the countryside of a small village of Egdon village; he could carefully observe the regularity of natural change. As a 21st Century reader there are many indications that reveal that Tess of the DUrbervilles was written in the late 1800s because of reference to the social and agricultural changes he describes. There is mention of the agricultural revolution in one of the extract I have chosen to analyse, in the Maiden No More, when Hardy says, formed the revolving Maltese cross of the reaping-machine the arms of the mechanical reaper. The word machine and mechanical have come up twice here, indicating that changes were being made to the agriculture with the usage of non-manual forms of harvesting. Both Hardy and Lawrence have different styles of writing, but this is because they were written in during different period of time. This can be identified in Tickets Please when Lawrence uses listing, as a way of describing the depot room. The last place described in Tickets Please is when we reach the climax of the story and the girls beat up John Thomas. The waiting room is described as being very cosy and warm and away from the darkness and lawlessness of wartime. These phrases make this part of the story sound exciting and are a build-up to the fight. Lawrence says: It was quite rough, but cosy, with a fire and an oven and a mirror, and a table and wooden chairs. The room is not described in a lot of detail here, but is in a simple listed order, making it not very striking, compared to the former journey, at the beginning of the story, using many adjective, adverbs, intriguing verbs and similes. Both writers have used the settings to set their characters moods. Hardy has distinctly done this making it quite obvious for a reader to pick out grammatical and philosophical elements. Lawrence has used the setting to determine what will happen to the characters and what sort of climax or twist that he wants to build into the story. This is evident in the beginning of Tickets Please when a gloomy atmosphere is set, making one of the protagonists Annie, feeling dull and not aroused. Then Lawrence uses the exciting funfair to set the mood of love and passion, and then finally the climax of the fight, fortified by description of the room. In conclusion both writers have similar ways of expressing the scenery through usage of grammatical tools, but different ways of displaying this, and have variations in their style of writing and the intensity of the language.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Be a Smarter Marketer Year-Round Marketing Courses - CoSchedule
Be a Smarter Marketer Year-Round Marketing Courses 12,193 students later, its finally here. Were launching BOTH top-tier marketing courses at the same time And for FREE. Just head to our Marketing Coursesà and take your pick. The only question you need to answer is do you wanna master Marketing Strategy or Social Media Marketing first? (Seriously You dont need to read another word to become a marketing wizard ðŸ⠮à who gets better results and therefore starts making more money 🠤â) Hes talkin to you. Thats right, you can register for either the Social Media Strategy Course or the Marketing Strategy Course. Or ya know You could also turn yourself into a marketing legend and enroll in both. ^You after completing our courses. Our free marketing courses will help you 10X your growth, laser-focus your strategy, and grow your social media audienceà in just two weeks! Each course is exploding with over $5,000 worth value, and contains: 5+ Lessons Quizzes 3 Video Workshops Opportunity to apply for industry-recognized certification Marketing project templates Custom analytics reports Access to original (and exclusive) research And a 21-day free trial to . Not bad, eh? Now, heres a quick overview of what youll find on the other side Social Media Strategy Course Marketing Strategy Course Get Started Free! But if youve made up your mind, click to check out our Marketing Courses. Or enroll in either the Marketing Strategy Certification Course or the Social Media Marketing Strategy Certification Course. A word of caution, however These courses areà for real. Theyre no walk in the park. So if you dont put the work in, youll be getting a visit from this guy But if you show up and put in the work, youll not only pass, youll revolutionize your marketing in just two weeks. Now heres the info you want. Be a Smarter Marketer: Announcing Year-Round Marketing Courses From Social Media Strategy Certification Course Ill be the first to say it. Social media is time-consuming. Doing it right is even more time-consuming, meaning you and your team need to make the most of the time you devote to it. Not to mention, the ever changing landscape of social media networks and channels is hard. What do you keep, and what do you ignore? Dont even get me started on trying to keep it all organized. So how do you begin to tackle the beast that is social media? The key is being fast, efficient, and staying on top of your companys expectations and needs for social, which is what youll learn with our new Social Media Strategy Certification Course. Create great social media messages, tactics more with s Social Media CertificationSo Why Should You Bother With This Course? We know youre schedule is already jammed packed, and here we are trying to fill it even more. However, this course isà worth your time. 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Recommended Reading: A Crash Course in Your New Content Calendar [Demo]
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Research Paper - 1
The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age - Research Paper Example Netizens, a term coined for active users of the Internet (Netizen), are complaining about how websites make private information such as their names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. available to the public. The issue of privacy over the Internet has become very serious that lawmakers have been forced to create regulations to safeguard users (Lyons, 2012) against websites that provide access to an individualââ¬â¢s private information. Search Engines for Citizensââ¬â¢ Private Data Intelius.com is a search engine that specializes on people searches. On the website, a researcher can choose to look up an individual through several ways. There are links to search via email, social networking sites, property records and the basic people search which yields the personââ¬â¢s relatives, age and the various cities and states in the USA the individual may have resided in. Getting a report would require a fee. Supposedly, the report would contain ââ¬Å"some or allâ⬠of the data such as the personââ¬â¢s full name, age and date of birth, phone numbers, aliases, relatives, email address(es), property records, marriage & divorce, lawsuits, criminal records, and so on. For people search and background check services, Intelius supposedly provides a researcher his moneyââ¬â¢s worth because of the accuracy of its reports. ... These have corresponding fees. Prices are from $2.45, $19.95 and $39.95. The most expensive report includes a State Criminal Search, Properties, Enhanced Relatives, Associates Plus and Marriages/Divorces. As with Intelius, the number of items listed in each report is not guaranteed. Zaba Search is one of the many people search engines on the Internet. Once the first and last names are entered, the user can search all the 50 states in America or a specific state. The results include the person complete address and phone number, including a marker on Google map for the userââ¬â¢s reference. Zaba also offers reverse phone lookup, background checks and searching via phone numbers. Curiously, when the results appear, an advertisement by US Search shows with the same personââ¬â¢s name, age and the cities and states the person has lived in. Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Access Public access to private information can bring about positive and negative outcomes to the researche r and the topic of the research. Although public access does help researchers find more information for social or educational purposes, these information may not be current. Having a citizenââ¬â¢s private data available on the Internet makes the person an easy victim of identity theft or other related crimes. Nevertheless, it also makes it possible for long-lost friends and family to get in touch with the person. For the person being researched, there are a couple of reasons public access can be bad. One is identity theft which has become a significant offense in the United States with around 10,000 groups involved in the activity. (White, 2012) There are several ways to commit identity theft and all of these require personal information such
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Yoga Brand Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Yoga Brand Comparison - Essay Example Besides, the post underscores Marika Companyââ¬â¢s diversity that extends to children wear hence time saving as wears of all consumer categories are available under one roof in a superior brand. The idea of the writer on coming up with an improved line of apparel is consistent with the consumer demand trend that emphasizes flexibility, light weight and strength. Exercise clothing are becoming a significant part of daily life hence the relevance of the post (Hitzmann 54). The viewpoint of this writer is sensitive and a welcome as it considers the aspect of environment. The post emphasizes the aspect of eco-friendly products of Barefoot Yoga Company. This is in line with contemporary marketing strategy and ethical business practices. It is worth to note that eco-friendly products meet the global campaign needs on sustainable growth and climate change management. The writer is therefore emphatic on this concept and relates it to the ongoing debate on global climate change which is attributed to environmental degradation (Corrett,et al.43). The experience of Yoga is a key factor into Barefoot Yoga company products. On Marika Company, the post explores the significance of a company website that eases the work of the consumer in choosing among variety. Besides, website is in tandem with the overriding online marketing idea hence its relevance. Gender sensitivity of Marika products and its profound fitness aspect put it ahead of the park. This post is positive in the sense that it creates awareness on the comfort factor when it comes to buying clothing for exercise and Yoga experiences. The opinion of the writer on creating a personal line that caters for long lasting, flexible and sweat absorption is a desire of many hence the validity of this postââ¬â¢s
Sunday, November 17, 2019
African influence on Western Culture Essay Example for Free
African influence on Western Culture Essay Africa, a continent with a not so peaceful history, has always been mysterious and amazing, all at the same time. ââ¬Å"Afriâ⬠was a Latin name used to refer to the Carthaginians who lived in Northern Africa from the 9th century B.C to the 7th century A.D when the last Punic culture was destroyed in the Arab conquest. Before I start recounting my general point of view on the topic above, I would like to share a brief opinion about multiculturalism. Defining it is not that simple. Some people refer to multiculturalism as a word that describes society where many different cultures live together in peace. But is it always like that? What about inherent racism and fear? Over the last few years, lots of people have been exploiting it in order to abuse other cultures and discriminate people who are different from them. In a normal world, they would be reprimanded and heavily fined. In most countries, thatââ¬â¢s not the case and even the authorities do not care about them. On the other hand, all cultures deserve respect, including the African ones. Cultures have been developed over centuries to allow people to live together, reasonably and peacefully. Multiculturalism can mean a country accepting some practices it tends to object to, but it can also mean that a culture becomes exposed to other ways of living, which could have quite a bad impact on the other dwellers. In conclusion, we must learn that accepting people as they are is of great importance. It is important to respect each other, and one should know that living by moral standards is one irreplaceable thing.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Comparison of the Heroes Of The Stranger (The Outsider) and The Myth
The Absurd Heroes Of The Stranger (The Outsider) and The Myth of Sisyphus In The Myth of Sisyphus, Sisyphus is an absurd hero because he realizes his situation, does not appeal, and yet continues the struggle. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that The Stranger is, in narrative style, also showing us an absurd hero, or the beginning of an absurd hero in Meursault. In The Myth of Sisyphus Camus establishes the epistemology on which he bases all his works. Ant it's a very simple epistemology. He says: "This heart within me I feel and I judge that I exist. This world I can touch and likewise judge that it exists. There ends all my knowledge and the rest is construction. Between the certainty I have of my existence and the content I try to give to that assurance the gap will never be filled." So for Camus one finds that life has value but no meaning. Meaning implies some sort of goal, some teleological approach, and, for Camus, there is no goal. Life is not a pilgrimage, death is not an open door, but it is a closed and blank wall which functions finally, of course, to force us to concentrate on life. In Camus there is a precise use of the word "absurd". "Absurd" comes from the Latin surdis and in surdis we have a dual definition: it means irrational, insensible (from that side of it we still use the word in mathematics; a 'surd' is an irrational number). But Camus concentrates on the other meaning which comes from the root. That is, "deaf, silent". There are many examples in literature of this particular kind of silence. I think of Romeo and Juliet when Juliet has been ordered by her parents to marry the County Paris, and in one of Shakespeare's best scenes in that play, he has Juliet's father talking... ...e. But rather we are shown as small and mortal specks on a minor planet, in an ordinary solar system, located no place in particular, in infinite space, and subject to all sorts of dark irrational forces, over which we have little control. We must live and must die with the fear and anxiety, the meaninglessness, frustration and futility that people today know. One must live in the present moment and attempt to find out the actual, bare, given facts of human existence; to find them out, to face them and to live with them. Camus does this; no more and no less. He becomes, as it were, a saint without a God. One could do worse than recall the epigraph which Camus uses at the beginning of The Myth of Sisyphus. He quotes from the Greek poet, Pindar, writing in the 5th century B.C.; "O my soul, do not aspire to immortal live, but exhaust the limits of the possible".
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Concern Regarding Evaluation Process
This letter expresses few concerns regarding the upcoming faculty evaluation process. The letter outlines some of the problems in the current evaluation process and has expressed suggestions on revising some of the plans.The revision of current evaluation process will increase administrative strength and professional growth of this faculty.The current process does not evaluate teaching methods. A revised process should be proposed that include evaluation of teaching effectiveness preferably getting input from students, associates and administration. The current process only includes evaluation based on understanding and coverage of subjects and lack what studentsââ¬â¢ think about faculty memberââ¬â¢s teaching abilities.As the evaluation process is held annually, it is also important to track achievements that can highlight skills and academic development of faculty members.The current process does not track these improvements.à It is important for a faculty administration to be enlightened of academic capability of its faculty. A revised process might include updating of faculty memberââ¬â¢s resumes or their individual contributions for the previous year.Another concern is regarding the reward system. The current evaluation process does not lead to any award for extraordinary achievement of faculty members. Based on the evaluation, rating system should be introduced and faculty member with high ratings should be rewarded with some sort of recognition.Few concerns are expressed in this letter in hope for an improved and efficient evaluation process. Ã
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Family Life Can Create Considerable Stress
How do know? Well let's just say experience has the best of me on this one. For example, the relationship with my parents I think broke my heart more than it did theirs. Although they weren't married, so I didn't experience the process of a divorced family they still separated. I was about four and lots of people don't remember that much when you're that young, but I did. I remember the bond me and my father shared, we were inseparable. Remember the bond me and my dad's mom had, she was my nana felt her love no matter where was. Subsequently my mother took me and left.That was family and she left without a problem. Was devastated, growing up that never left my mind, and how easy it was for her to just, leave. I let the stress build thinking of growing up without a father just got to me. Now I didn't go through divorce papers, courts and custody battles I could imagine that's a whole lot worse than what my situation was. But do know the feeling of separated parents, I do know how it f eels to think about having that family where everything was normal and you had them tot by your side, in one place you can really call home.Now being with divorced or separated parents is stressful just think you don't want to choose sides you love them both. They both love you as well, that why they've set up this arrangement so you can switch every weekend, summer and/or holiday. There's a plus you can have two rooms, two birthdays and so forth. On the contrary you have to deal with step parents, step siblings arguments with who gets you on Christmas day or who can keep you an extra day longer. The stress is just overwhelming don't you think?You love them both, so you don't want to say no to them, you don't want them thinking you are choosing sides, one over the other so what do you do. Then you have friends to deal with at both places and depending on how far apart your parents live from each other. Your friends at your dads are going bowling one weekend and your friends at your moms are going to the movies that same weekend and now you have to choose who you want to hang out with. Its just stressful. All they want is you, and all you want is stability.One home, one family, one life. Now there are those situations where you don't have two rooms, you don't have to deal with both parents and all the arguments and what not. You just have to deal with one parent. That sounds whole lot less stressful right? It can be, but then there are those people who aren't as fortunate as others. People who let their stress override them and their parent wasn't there to help. The type of residence you grow up in is critical to the process of a child who has divorced parents or only one parent.If no one is there for them and they onto know where to turn to the world we live in today can provide them with lots of things to turn to. All it takes is hanging with the wrong crowd. For instance I only had my mother and due to the fact that she was never home had no one to turn to, so started hanging out in the streets. One thing led to another and there was every day, every night in the street up to no good with the wrong people not going to school, fighting, doing drugs, drinking stealing and so much more that I know I will regret for the rest of my life.All of the drugs, drinking and fighting made me think it took the stress away it eloped me forget until was sober again, but that just gave me more of reason to do it more. This went on for about four years. While I thought it was taking the stress away it was really putting on more stress, if I didn't have what I needed to take the stress away I stressed about it, looking for whatever would take it all away. Now I'm not saying this is exactly what will happen everyone has their different ways of coping with things and it all just depends on what's in front of you at the moment. Its also about who you turn to.Whether they are there for you or for themselves. Not everyone can relate, but you would be surprise d on how many people do relate. Its tough when you don't have the proper people to turn to, or you have all of the bad choices sitting right in front of you. So much pressure, so much stress, it will never stop no matter how many times you tell yourself you got this, you can do it, it just won't stop. The stress just overwhelms you. But you can fight it, you know the bad choices the stress, you can override it, and all you need to do is talk to someone or have someone give you that push you need.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Life of Louis Pasture essays
The Life of Louis Pasture essays On December 27, 1822, a miracle happened in a little village near the eastern mountains of France called Dole. This miracle would later be recognized all around the world as one of the greatest scientists who had ever lived. He would be the one to save a little boy in need of help. He would be the one to save animals that were near death. He would be the one who would change the way the world lived forever. His name was Louis Pasteur, founder of the antidote for rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and many more life-threatening diseases. Louis father, Jean-Joseph, was a skilled tanner who made leather out of animal hides for a living. Since the tanning business was in the family, many expected Louis to follow in his fathers footsteps. However, Jean-Joseph and his wife, Jeanne Roqui, had bigger dreams for their son. They sent Louis to a school in Paris when he was 16 years old in hopes that he would return home to be a teacher at a local school. However, their hopes were shattered after just one month. Louis had a terrible case of homesickness. He went on to college in Besancon, and furthered his education at Ecole Normale Superieure. As a result of his academic experiences, Louis went on to study topics in science. Louis Pasteurs first job was in crystallography (which means the production of crystals from chemical substances). He later became known as the founder of stereochemistry at the age of 26. Louis fulfilled his parents dream and became a schoolteacher, and was later promoted to Professor of Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. At the University, he met and later married a woman named Marie Laurent, who was the daughter of the head of the University. Louis and Marie had five children, however, only two survived past childhood. Determined to protect children from diseases, Louis began his scientific research. One of the blessings that came to Louis Pasteur was a nine-year-old boy named Jose...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Find the Inflection Points for the Normal Distribution
Find the Inflection Points for the Normal Distribution One thing that is great about mathematics is the way that seemingly unrelated areas of the subject come together in surprising ways. One instance of this is the application of an idea from calculus to the bell curve. A tool in calculus known as the derivative is used to answer the following question. Where are the inflection points on the graph of the probability density function for the normal distribution? Inflection Points Curves have a variety of features that can be classified and categorized. One item pertaining to curves that we can consider is whether the graph of a function is increasing or decreasing. Another feature pertains to something known as concavity. This can roughly be thought of as the direction that a portion of the curve faces. More formally concavity is the direction of curvature. A portion of a curve is said to be concave up if it is shaped like the letter U. A portion of a curve is concave down if it is shaped like the following Ã¢Ë ©. It is easy to remember what this looks like if we think about a cave opening either upward for concave up or downwards for concave down. An inflection point is where a curve changes concavity. In other words it is a point where a curve goes from concave up to concave down, or vice versa. Second Derivatives In calculus the derivative is a tool that is used in a variety of ways. While the most well-known use of the derivative is to determine the slope of a line tangent to a curve at a given point, there are other applications. One of these applications has to do with finding inflection points of the graph of a function. If the graph of y f( x ) has an inflection point at x a, then the second derivative of f evaluated at a is zero. We write this in mathematical notation as fââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢( a ) 0. If the second derivative of a function is zero at a point, this does not automatically imply that we have found an inflection point. However, we can look for potential inflection points by seeing where the second derivative is zero. We will use this method to determine the location of the inflection points of the normal distribution. Inflection Points of the Bell Curve A random variable that is normally distributed with mean à ¼ and standard deviation of ÃÆ' has a probability density function of f( x ) 1/ (ÃÆ' âËÅ¡(2 Ãâ¬) )exp[-(x - à ¼)2/(2ÃÆ'2)]. Here we use the notation exp[y] ey, where e is the mathematical constant approximated by 2.71828. The first derivative of this probability density function is found by knowing the derivative for ex and applying the chain rule. fââ¬â¢ (x ) -(x - à ¼)/ (ÃÆ'3 âËÅ¡(2 Ãâ¬) )exp[-(x -à ¼) 2/(2ÃÆ'2)] -(x - à ¼) f( x )/ÃÆ'2. We now calculate the second derivative of this probability density function. We use the product rule to see that: fââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢( x ) - f( x )/ÃÆ'2 - (x - à ¼) fââ¬â¢( x )/ÃÆ'2 Simplifying this expression we have fââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢( x ) - f( x )/ÃÆ'2 (x - à ¼)2 f( x )/(ÃÆ'4) Now set this expression equal to zero and solve for x. Since f( x ) is a nonzero function we may divide both sides of the equation by this function. 0 - 1/ÃÆ'2 (x - à ¼)2 /ÃÆ'4 To eliminate the fractions we may multiply both sides by ÃÆ'4 0 - ÃÆ'2 (x - à ¼)2 We are now nearly at our goal. To solve for x we see that ÃÆ'2 (x - à ¼)2 By taking a square root of both sides (and remembering to take both the positive and negative values of the root à ±ÃÆ' x - à ¼ From this it is easy to see that the inflection points occur where x à ¼ à ± ÃÆ'. In other words the inflection points are located one standard deviation above the mean and one standard deviation below the mean.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Retail concept project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Retail concept project - Essay Example Value Proposition The customer is our master. Our organization will do all the best to ensure that every customer who visits our organization leaves feeling more satisfied. We aspire to give them more than they expect by providing a wide variety of things under the same roof, a service which is rare. Positioning Statements Our mission is to provide high quality and genuine products to our customers at affordable prices. Marketing Strategy In every organization, the main target is to maximize the level of sales. Marketing is one of the main strategies through which an organization can manage to win its potential customers. In this case, marketing process is very significant bearing in mind the current situation where the market is characterized by a very high level of competition. One of the marketing tools which can be feasible to an art gallery at the initial stage is advertisement. Advertisement as a method of promotion is associated with a number of advantages. To start with, adve rtisement is effective in reaching a wide range of audience (Trehan and Trehan 146).This is especially when advertising is conducted through a media which reaches a large number of people. The method will reach greater number of people compared to other methods like the sales promotion.
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